Home learning

Home learning

Home learning will be posted here every week. You do not need to print it out. Write your spellings, Learn-Its and Reading tasks in your Home Learning book. Bring your Home Learning book into school on Wednesday.


Speak to your class teacher if you need support to access the home learning resources online.

Term 6
Week 4 home learning (posted 29.06.23, due in 05.07.23)
Week 3 home learning (posted 22.06.23, due in 29.06.23)


Term 5
Week 2 home learning (posted 27.04.23, due in 03.05.23)
Week 1 home learning (posted 20.04.23, due in 26.04.23)


Term 4

The homework to be completed is linked below (Week 6) however we have also uploaded some extra maths resources for the Easter holiday, if you would like to complete these with your child.


This term we worked on fractions and mass and capacity. Below are two sheets to assess how much your child can recall on these topics.

Mass and Capacity

In term 5 we will be looking at money and time. Below are links to Year 2 assessments on these topics. Please support your child by reviewing what they have been taught so far.

Y2 Time

Y2 Money

Week 6 home learning (posted 30.03.23, due 19.04.23)

Week 5 home learning (posted 23.03.23, due 29.03.23)
Week 3 home learning (posted 10.03.23, due 17.03.23)

Week 2 home learning (posted 02.03.23, due 08.03.23)

Week 1 home learning (posted 24.02.23, due 01.03.23)


Term 3
Week 5 home learning (posted 02.02.23, due 08.02.23)

Week 4 home learning (posted 26.01.23, due 02.01.23)

Week 3 home learning (posted 20.01.23, due 25.01.23)
Week 2 home learning (posted 13.01.23, due 18.01.23)

Week 1 home learning (posted 05.01.23, due 11.01.23)


Term 2

Week 5
We would like the children to practise their words for the Christmas performance. They can be found here


All reading books are being collected so they can be catalogued over Christmas, so reading records will be kept at school until the New Year.


Your child should keep doing TTRS this week.

Week 4 home learning (due 30/11/22)

Week 3 home learning (due 23/11/22)

Week 2 home learning (due 16/11/22)

Week 1 home learning (due 9/11/22)


Extra resources (not compulsory):

  • Year 1 and Year 2 spelling words - by Year 3 children should be able to spell all of these words.
  • Year 3 and Year 4 statutory spellings list  - this is a list of all the words your child is expected to learn by the end of Year 4. You will recognise lots of them from the Year 3 'hot words' list on the weekly Home Learning sheet. You can support your child by encouraging them to learn what these words mean, and how to spell them. 

Previous weeks:

Term 1

Week 7 home learning (set 20/10/22, due 2/11/22)

Week 6 home learning (set 13/10/22, due 19/10/22)

Week 5 home learning (set 6/10/22, due 12/10/22)

Week 4 home learning (set 29/9/22, due 5/10/22)

Week 3 home learning (set 22/9/22, due 28/9/22)

Week 2 home learning (set 15/9/22, due 21/9/22)

Week 1 home learning (set 8/9/22, due 15/9/22)