CHILDREN: I am a child and I don't feel safe

What Happens When You Contact Childline? | Childline

Want to contact Childline? Find out how we can help and what happens when you do. Contact Childline free on 0800 1111 or online at


If you are scared or don't feel safe at home or at school you can do one of these things:


1. Speak to any other adult in school at any time. We are here to help you.

2. Speak to Mr Botten or Mr Fry. You can send an E-mail to the school office here and they will collect it the next time school is open.

3. Speak to Mrs A. You can contact her through the school office here and she will collect it when she is in school.

4. Phone Childline on 08001111 anytime day or night. They are happy to speak to you about any worries. The call is free.