How we Teach Maths at Blackhorse

Our approach to Mathematics at Blackhorse...


Intent (What we are trying to achieve):


A Champion Mathematician at Blackhorse practises their basic number facts until these can be recalled fluently.  These facts are then applied into different Mathematical reasoning questions and investigations. 


Implementation (What we are focusing on improving the most this year): 

At Blackhorse, we have been working hard throughout the year to develop our children's reasoning skills. So far, we have developed a bespoke reasoning toolkit as well as launching sentence stems within the classroom. Recently, we have been focusing on ensuring these are embedded and having the desired impact throughout the entire school. 


Impact (How we know we have been successful):

Through analysing assessment data, hearing children discuss their understanding and recall number facts we will know when our Mathematics curriculum is having the desired impacted. 


A fluent mathematician can:

  1. recall key number facts (times tables & number bonds) instantly, including inverse facts.
  2. use the four number operations accurately and effectively.
  3. understand the number system, particularly place value and fractions, decimals & percentages.


A mathematician who reasons can: 

  1. Work systematically to solve number problems.
  2. Use trial and improvement
  3. Work logically.
  4. Spot mathematical patterns.
  5. Visualise mathematical problems using a range of mathematical models.
  6. Work backwards and use inverse operations.