Set: 18.03.22, Due: 25.03.22

Home learning (18.03.22)


Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.


Remember, your reading records will be checked on Monday and everything else on Friday.

Home Learning Tasks

On Tuesday 22nd March, we are having a Walk to Your New School workshop with South Gloucestershire. You will need to know your postcode so you can plot your new journey to school. Please have this ready! We will remind you today (Friday 18th March) and again on Monday.


Now start your main homework tasks...

You should decide which ability (CORE or EXTENSION) you would like to attempt. Your teacher may ask you to attempt a particular ability though. ONE WHOLE task has to be completed ready for next Friday. You can, of course, complete both tasks should you wish!


(5)  Reading - recorded in your reading log with ONE quality comment (Hand in Monday)

(6)  TTRS - Log on and complete 20 sessions (Remember this is checked on a Thursday and those who don't complete it will have chance to catch-up on the Monday lunchtime!)

Pre-learning information

You might find some helpful tasks, activities or information that might help prepare you for your learning in the week ahead too. Have a look at what we are doing and the resources below.


Being a Reader

Have a sneak-peek at our text for next week called 'Guide Dogs'. Open the document to read page 6 and 7. 

You may wish to watch these videos about guide dogs to give you lots of background information which always helps with your reading. 

Guide Dogs - An animation

Guide Dogs Children Services

Guide Dogs helps people with sight loss from the day they're born.

We Are Guide Dogs