
Homework 04.12.2020


Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.


Remember, your reading records will be checked on Monday and everything else on Friday.


Mr Botten's Maths Club work is found here: https://WOPIIEA.exampro.net


Pre-learning information

You might find it helpful to watch this short film to prepare you for the work we will be doing being a writer next week. 

Loteria de Navidad


Being a Mathematician

We will be drawing shapes and using co-ordinates and quadrants on a graph to draw these. Have a look at these resources to help get ready for our week.



  • The information on this webpage The School Run will help lots too and will also let your parents know what you are learning about too.


  • Follow this link to take you to the BBC Bitesize menu for shapes and movement; we will be translating and reflecting shapes.



Watching these following videos will help too.


Coordinate Plane Song

Plotting points on all 4 quadrants

Translating Shapes

Reflecting Shapes in a Line

Watch at least the first three minutes for support.