Homework 16.10.20
Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.
Remember, your reading records will be checked on Monday and everything else on Friday.
Pre-learning information
You might find some helpful tasks, activities or information that might help prepare you for your learning in the week ahead too. Have a look at what we are doing and the resources below.
Being a Writer (English)
Next week, we are letting our imagination run wild, as we begin to think of a 'recipe' an alchemist might use to make gold!
SPaG Focus
Next week you will be introduced to new learning of how to use colons and semi-colons within a list when you write. The best thing to do would be to watch the short video on the Year 6 channel, which explains how to use these two punctuation marks. It mentions our Year 6 assessment/ target mat, which can be found here in our Writer's Toolkit.
Being a Mathematician
We are having a round up of our term so far so we will recap on rounding, negative numbers, multiples, factors and primes before finishing the week practising multiplication and division strategies.
Click on the links to go back to the games you might have already played this term or the videos that explain the strategies we use.
This is the rhyme we use to remember how to round numbers: