
Welcome to our Governors’ section.


As an Academy, within the Leaf Trust family of schools, accountability for the school's performance ultimately sits with the Board of Trustees who oversee the performance of all the Leaf Trust Schools (for more details on how Governance in Leaf is organised, see the Leaf Governance Framework document).


The board of Trustees have decided to delegate some responsibilities to a local governance layer, known as the 'Local Governing Board'. These responsibilities and delegated powers are set out in our scheme of delegation (see below). Trust governors are the eyes and ears of the Trust board locally. They champion the educational standards, ethos and character of the school they support and all schools within the school trust.


The Local Governing Board is made up of elected Trust Governors. These are a mixture of parents, staff and members of the local community. Their role is to determine the ethos, vision and values of the school, ensuring educational outcomes are good and to champion the school's distinctive character within the community.  


The Local Governing Board meets 6 times per year to discuss progress towards the school's strategic objectives (see Leaf Governance Framework for details) .


Governor Roles and Responsibilities:

Co-Chairs of Governors: Trefor Southwell and Shamina Chowdry

Safeguarding Governor: Greg Lyle


To contact Trefor or Shamina please email and mark for the attention of Chair of Governors


The DfE's Blackhorse Governor Information Page can be found here.


Local Governing Board Information 2024-25