Homework 06.11.20
Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.
Remember, your reading records will be checked on Monday and everything else on Friday.
For support with these tasks we have uploaded some videos on our Year 6 Video Channel to help; some from us and some from our colleagues in other schools.
Pre-learning information
You might find some helpful tasks, activities or information that might help prepare you for your learning in the week ahead too. Have a look at what we are doing and the resources below.
Being a Mathematician
Next work we continue to look at fractions, in particular equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.
This link is very good for you and your parents to share, as it shows how you have been finding equivalent fractions across the key stage.
This BBC Bitesize page, videos, games and worksheet from their Home Learning site would be really helpful for you to interact with. While this page helps you understand how to simplify fractions.
Tuning into these YouTube clips would also just remind you of things you have already done in Year 4 & 5 to do with equivalent fractions.
Open this document to practise finding some equivalent fractions:
Being a Writer
Next week you will be introduced to a new Year 6 writing skill - using semi-colons to mark boundaries in sentences.
This BBC Bitesize page has lots of information and a video explaining how to use semi-colons.
This link is very good for you and your parents to share, as it introduces the most feared of all punctuation marks!