About Us
About our Resource Base
At Blackhorse Primary School we are proud of our Resource Base for pupils with Autism or Social Communication Difficulties. We are the only provision for children of primary school age supporting in this area of need within South Gloucestershire.
All pupils allocated a Resource Base place have an Education Health and Care Plan (ECHP) and are referred to us via the Local Authority. Our Resource Base has a capacity of 22 children.
Our commissioned role in the Resource Base is to facilitate inclusion for our pupils and enable them to be part of a thriving school community; whilst receiving specialist resource base support. Our expectation is that by the time of the pupil’s first annual review there will be some 'inclusion' within the mainstream school taking place, for at least part of the week.
Each of our Resource Base pupils is on roll in a mainstream class as well as having a classbased place within the RB, either within Cherry Class (EYFS and KS1) or Sycamore Class (KS2). We work towards including pupils according to their needs and abilities with their mainstream peers and learning. Wherever possible our pupils participate in the full life of school during their school day and are invited to participate in trips, activities and experiences with their mainstream peers.
Our aim in the Resource Base is to create a calm, structured and happy environment in which the pupils feel safe and secure and can learn and develop both their academic skills alongside their social and emotional skills, supported by an experienced staff team.
Resource Base pupil’s academic progress and attainment is important and alongside this a key focus for us is on teaching communication and social skills in context, as well as developing our pupil’s emotional understanding, regulation and resilience.
Each child is an individual and we aim to equip them with specific strategies in order to support them in managing day to day challenging situations with growing independence. We work towards enabling them to understand their function in the world we live in to the best of their abilities and as independently as possible.
We recognise that autism is a life- long condition and we aim to support our children to develop strategies to manage some of the challenges they may face now and in the future.
Our Resource Base Curriculum
Intent: To build champion Learners through Extensive Opportunities, Expert Tuition, Purposeful Practise and Personal Effort.
Our Resource Base curriculum is driven through the key active ingredients of extensive opportunity, expert tuition, purposeful practice, personal effort and is a hybrid of all the Enquiry based Blackhorse Curriculum and targeted opportunities for our children that build ‘Champion Learners’.
The Resource Base curriculum aligns with our Blackhorse Curriculum and approaches the concepts, knowledge and skills that children need to succeed through a bespoke three tired approach. Our intent is for all pupils to receive a high quality education that is aligned with their needs and prepares them for an independent and aspirational future.
This is achieved through our core values of that underpin our vision: Champion learners are taught: Respect – for themselves, their families, their communities. Pride – in their attitude and work; striving for their best effort. Bravery – to attempt things with will be hard and challenge them. Success – to aspire to be the best version of themselves. To believe they can change the world.
The Resource Base curriculum intent acknowledges the differing starting points of the children that we teach and recognises our children’s additional SEND through a provision which is aspirational; offering opportunities to develop life skills, independence and inclusion alongside mainstream peers.
The Resource Base curriculum considers not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum to support our children in including with their peers, but also the range of targeted and individualised learning that the school offers in order to enrich the opportunities and experiences available to the children.
Expert tuition following TEACCH principles of:
Teaching – sharing autism knowledge and increasing the skill level of professionals and practitioners.
Expanding – increasing own knowledge to provide high-quality services to autistic people and their families.
Appreciating – appreciating the strengths and uniqueness of autistic culture.
Collaborating and Cooperating with colleagues, other professionals, autistic people and their families.
Holistic – adopting a holistic approach, looking at the person, their family and community.
Our provision is designated to the teaching and learning of autistic children and/or children with social communication difficulties.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to thrive in an environment which provides:
A - Aspirational Outcomes for every child
U - Understanding of uniqueness and self-identify
T - Targeted Teaching, Learning and Intervention
I - Inclusion opportunities with our peers and communities
S - Skills for life
M -Modelling, recognition and teaching to support emotional regulation
You can see how our curriculum is organised by clicking on the link below:
Virtual Tour