Our Values Curriculum: Respect, Pride, Bravery & Success

Our school values curriculum

Pictured: The Blackhorse Values superheroes: Respect the Wonder Dog, Brave Bear, Samda the Successful & Proud Pony; with their leader 'Captain Champion'.



How we teach our school values


At Blackhorse, we explicitly teach children what they must do to demonstrate our school values of respect, pride, bravery and success.


Every day in class, teachers use the language of our values and highlight children who are consistently demonstrating these through special values stickers, compliment cards and postcards home. Each week, a child from each class is nominated to be a ‘champion of the week’ with a single child, who has embodied what it means to be a Champion Learner, is named as the week’s ‘Blackhorse Champion’, receiving a special enamel badge and taking home the champion trophy. They also join our 'Hall of Champions' which can be found here.



In assemblies we tell stories about our values using our characters. We teach children the effort and practice is the key to embodying our values and that every one can be a Champion Learner.



In 2023 we introduced the Blackhorse 'Mission Masters': a student council which is focused on promoting the school mission and values throughout the school. See what they are working on by looking through their meeting minutes below...