Set: 06.05.22

Home learning (06.05.22)


You are all so AMAZING and have worked so hard to get where we are today, the week before our SATs. Your tasks for this weekend is to go home and RELAX. Do what you enjoy, chill and hopefully enjoy the weather outside. Next week will be a testing, busy week but we have every faith in you: you are all true Blackhorse Champions.



If there is anything you want to do (as some people like to boost their confidence just before a test), then follow this link to last week's homework page with the different games and activities that might help. You can also browse the internet for things to practise depending on which test you'd like to prepare for.


Here is the SAT timetable for next week:


  • MONDAY - SPaG (spelling, grammar and punctuation) 
  • TUESDAY - Reading
  • WEDNESDAY - Arithmetic and Paper 1 Maths
  • THURSDAY - Paper 2 Maths


Don't forget to join us each morning for SATs Breakfast!