Helping your child at home
Finding the right time and place to read at home.
Look at the cover of the book first
Reading the punctuation
Asking questions which encourage prediction
Asking your child inference questions
Helping your child summarise what they know.
Parent Resources
Children who read regularly at home make the most progress with reading and become confident, enthusiastic readers. Reading should be pleasurable so it helps to share lots of stories with your child- reading to your child, however old they are, offers a time for bonding, sharing and talking about books which benefits children enormously.
Here we offer tips and free resources you can use to support your child's reading. Your local library is a great resource and children love exploring the wide variety of books available to them, it’s free to join and children do not get fined if their books are overdue. Each summer we encourage children to participate in the 'Summer Reading Challenge' at the library over the holiday to earn rewards, a certificate and a medal.
How you can help at home:
- Set aside time to read with your child daily.
- Find a quiet place.
- Give your child lots of praise and encouragement for their efforts.
- Encourage your child if they get stuck on a word but don't tell them the word straight away.
- Talk about books you enjoyed as a child and let them see you reading at home.
- When out and about encourage your child spot words on signs, in shops or on the road...
- If your child is reluctant to read don’t force the issue. Suggest coming back to it later. You could try a different book, reading a comic, something online or even a trip to the library.
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