SEND & Inclusion
Our Inclusion Leader is: Jacqui Taylor
Our SENCO: Claire Deacon
Our Nurture Teacher: Carie Stainsby
Our School Counsellor: Sara Alhadeff
Our Family Link: Emma Touzalin
Our Speech and Language Therapist: Sam Capindale (Talk, Speech Therapy 1.5 days per week)
They can be contacted via the school office here.
At Blackhorse Primary School we are committed to providing high quality inclusive education for every child. We believe that all children, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEN/D), have a common entitlement to an accessible, broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, and that they should be fully included in all aspects of school life, where and when they are able.
We are a friendly and fully inclusive school which takes account of all areas of additional need including the academic, physical, social, emotional and mental health needs of a child.
Our practice and policy at Blackhorse Primary School is fully compliant with the Code of Practice (2015) and our SEN/D policy and Information Report has been written in collaboration with all our stakeholders and is reviewed annually and published here on our website. Additional information supporting pupils and parents of SEND children can also be found below.
We build champions by ensuring that every child:
1. knows how to stay safe, healthy, happy and make sensible choices;
2. has respect for themselves, the environment and their communities;
3. is a resilient, brave and inquisitive learner;
4. achieves our high expectations;
5. aspires to be their 'best self' and to change the world!
We have a specialist provision, in the form of our Resource Base, which is designated for children who have recognised Autism and/or Social Communication Difficulties. The role of our Resource Base is to facilitate and support inclusion into the mainstream classes. The Resource Base has a 22 place allocation and each Resource Base pupil has a place in a mainstream class and within the Resource base. The provision comprises of two classes in the resource base one for Key Stage 1 provision and the other for key stage 2 provision. Our aim is to fully include Resource Base pupils with their peers within mainstream. For more information please visit ‘Resource Base’ on our website and see further details about Resource Base admissions.
We aim to identify children’s learning and social and emotional difficulties at an early stage and we endeavour to work with you to help support each child.
For some children, with more complex needs or identified needs an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may have already been issued or a child may be undergoing an EHCP Needs Assessment before they start school; we recognise that children can experience difficulties with learning, behaviour or social skills at any time in their school life and we aim to work together to support his/her needs. Once a child is identified as having difficulties in accessing learning or in experiencing barriers due to their social, emotional or mental health needs the school will support them through a variety of strategies. The child may then be recognised as receiving SEN Support and may be placed on our Special Educational Needs register.
The Information Report below aids to support you in understanding how we at Blackhorse, support your child’s additional needs. Please also refer to our ‘Graduated Response’, ‘Glossary of Terms’ and ‘Child’s Information Report’ below. You can also visit the Resource Base tab on our website for further information.