Set: 24.1.24 Due: 31.1.24
Home learning (21.01.24)
Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.
Remember, your reading records will be checked on Wednesday.
Home Learning Tasks
(3) Click on this link and complete the arithmetic questions.
SATS - Arithmetic ( Some children have been doing this already and it has really improved their arithmetic scores and confidence answering the questions. Remember to make jottings, where needed.
Please write your score in your green homework books and ask an adult to sign next to it to confirm that the score is accurate.
* Make a note which ones you find tricky so you can focus on these during arithmetic sessions!
(4) Reading - five times a week of reading recorded in your reading log.
(5) TTRS - Log on and complete 20 sessions (Remember this is checked on a Thursday)