Self-isolation Work
This page has all of the work that you should complete if you are having to self-isolate. Please see the timetable below and locate details of the work required under the correct date.
Self-isolation Timetable
WB 14.06.2021
Tuesday: Complete the 'Recognising formal and informal writing' sheet below.
Wednesday: Complete p.3 of the Fluency sheet below.
Thursday: Go to p.3 of the Apply sheet and complete.
Friday: Rewrite Q6a and 6b on the Apply sheet from yesterday to make them sound more informal.
WB 21.06.2021
Follow the link below and complete lessons 1-5.
WB 28.06.2021
Please work through the activities for each day. This week you will be exploring relative and subordinate clauses using this link to the BBC Bitesize.
Monday: Read the 'Learn' section, watch the video and make notes about the two different clauses.
Tuesday: Go the 'Practise' section and complete activity 1. Write the sentences out and underline the clauses.
Wednesday: Go the 'Practise' section and complete activity 2. Check your answers at the end.
Thursday & Friday: Complete activity 2 in the 'Practise' section of the webpage.
WB 05.07.2021
Monday: Follow the link below and complete lesson 1.
Tuesday: Use the knowledge about apostrophes to create a poster for Year 5 showing how to use them.
Wednesday: Follow the link below and complete lesson 2.
Thursday: Using four sentences from your reading book, copy them out and then label them subject, object and verb using the knowledge from yesterday.
Friday: Follow the link below and complete lesson 3.
WB 12.07.2021
Follow the link below and complete lesson 1-5.
WB 19.07.2021
Monday: Open the PowerPoint (see below) and read through slides 4-14 and have a go jotting down the answers.
Tuesday: Open the PowerPoint again and complete slides 15-22.
Wednesday: Complete p.3 of the Fluency sheet below.