Set: 2.10.24 Due: 9.10.24

Home learning (27.9.23)


Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. 


Remember, your reading records will be checked on Wednesday.  


(3)  Mathematician - Prime numbers, Common Factors and Common Multiples 


(4)  Reading - make sure you read 5 times to an adult.


(5)  TTRS - Log on and complete 20 sessions (Remember this closes at 20:30 on Thursday)


Pre-learning information

You might find some helpful tasks, activities or information that might help prepare you for your learning in the week ahead too. Have a look at what we are doing and the resources below. 

Being a Mathematician

If you follow this link, you can scroll down the page to find 'Year Group Documents' which will help you with multiplication and division methods we use at Blackhorse.


Next week you will need to be fluent in using a long division written method. Click on this link (it'll take you to the Year 6 Video Channel) so you can watch how to solve a long division calculation such as 720 ÷ 15.

Being a Writer

Next we will be learning about adverbials and reminding you about fronted adverbials. Watch this video below to help you start thinking about what they are and how you can use them as a writer!

Being a Scientist

We are continuing our enquiry lesson thinking about what is in blood next week. Re-watch the video you watched last week to really understand how our blood is made up! You will be writing this up and using the cartoon characters to help you do this!