Home-School Agreement
Our Mission, within our Blackhorse School community, is to 'Build Champion Learners through:
- Extensive Opportunties
- Expert Tuition
- Purposeful Practice
- Personal Effort.
Schooling is a partnership between children, parents and school. Our Home-School agreement outlines what you can expect of the school, and what the school will ask of you as parents. These were originally agreed by governors in 2011 and have guided our interactions ever since.
As a school we will:
ü Keep children safe from harm at all times.
ü Provide excellent pastoral support to ensure that children are happy and free from bullying.
ü Value each child as an individual.
ü Have high expectations of good behaviour and clear behaviour policies.
ü Teach children to respect themselves and others, and have pride in their communities.
ü Teach children to make healthy lifestyle choices.
ü Develop children’s confidence and willingness to challenge themselves.
ü Challenge children to achieve well academically.
ü Ensure that children leave Blackhorse with the best possible literacy and numeracy skills.
ü Keep you informed about your child’s progress and achievements.
ü Provide a curriculum which is broad, balanced and is interesting and engaging.
ü Provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities.
ü Ensure children understand e-safety by:
- having clear E-safety rules.
- filtering the internet.
- training all staff in internet safety.
- teaching children regularly about e-safety.
As parents we will:
ü Support the school’s behaviour policies.
ü Ensure my child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
ü Ensure my child wears the agreed school uniform and has the correct equipment/ kit etc. needed for each day.
ü Support the school’s ‘Healthy School’ policies.
ü Support the school’s homework policy and ensure that homework is completed on time.
ü Support my child’s learning by listening to them read 4 times per week.
ü Provide a quite place at home to complete homework.
ü Communicate regularly with the school regarding my child’s learning & development.
ü Attend parents’ evenings.
ü Support the school’s inclusive ethos.
ü Encourage my child to involve themselves in all aspects of school life.
ü Support the school’s E-safety policies by:
- ensuring that my child understands how to stay safe online at home.
- not allowing my child to view or share in appropriate online material.
- making sure that my child is only using social networking when they are old enough to do so.
As a child I will:
ü Keep myself safe by not doing things which could be dangerous.
ü Look after my friends and be kind and polite to everyone.
ü Look after school equipment.
ü Follow instructions given by adults.
ü Listen to others and take turns.
ü Try my hardest every day.
ü Arrive at school on time.
ü Wear the correct school uniform.
ü Complete my homework.
ü Read at home.
ü Use the internet safely, by:
- keeping my passwords secret.
- not putting person details on the internet.
- not searching for or visiting websites which I shouldn’t visit or am not old enough to view.
- being kind & polite to others online.
- never talking to or meeting strangers online.