Views of Stakeholders
Every year we ask our parents, staff and pupils to complete a confidential survey so that we can learn what we are doing well and what we must do to improve further.
Unlike most schools, we publish the parent survey comments in full (only redacting names of individual pupils and staff). We do this so that you can see the full range of views that parents have about the school. All parents who leave their email address are contacted directly after the survey and offered the opportunity to meet with school leaders to discuss any worries. With data available for the last 12 years, we are proud that confidence levels in the school are extremely high (currently av. 97% positive).
Children are also surveyed every year (see results below). All children that give a negative response to a question are given the opportunity to meet with the nurture teacher and safeguarding governor to elaborate on any concerns or worries. This is then fed back to the Governors and school leaders so that we can act on any trends.
Staff surveys are also completed by the school's Well-being Team and the data from these is shared with the local Governor Forum and the Leaf Trustees.
Click on the links below to see the results of these surveys. See also the feedback newsletters which let parents know what we did as a result of the feedback which we received.