Set 03.12.21, Due 10.12.21

Home learning (03.12.21)


Below you will find the tasks to complete at home this week. If you are struggling finding time or a quiet place, please speak to your teacher as soon as possible.


Remember, your reading records will be checked on Monday and everything else on Friday.



(4)  Reading - recorded in your reading log with ONE quality comment (Hand in Monday)

(5)  TTRS - Log on and complete 20 sessions (Remember this is checked on a Thursday)


Mr Botten's Maths Club work is found here:


For support with these tasks we have uploaded some videos on our Year 6 Video Channel to help; some from us and some from our colleagues in other schools.


Pre-learning information

You might find some helpful tasks, activities or information that might help prepare you for your learning in the week ahead too. Have a look at what we are doing and the resources below.


For more support with these tasks we have uploaded some explanation and walk-through example videos on our Year 6 Video Channel to help.


Being a Writer

You might find it helpful to watch this short film to prepare you for the work we will be doing being a writer next week. 


Loteria de Navidad

Still image for this video


Being a Mathematician

We will be drawing shapes and using co-ordinates and quadrants on a graph to draw these. Have a look at these resources to help get ready for our week.



  • The information on this webpage The School Run will help lots too and will also let your parents know what you are learning about too.


  • Follow this link to take you to the BBC Bitesize menu for shapes and movement; we will be translating and reflecting shapes.



Watching these following videos will help too.

Coordinate Plane Song

Plotting points on all FOUR quadrants

Translating Shapes

Reflecting Shapes in a Line

Watch at least the first three minutes for support.