Opening Times

From September 2021:

 Start TimeBreakLunchHome Time
Resource Base8:45am

10:45-11 (KS1)

11-11:15 (KS2)


Reception (EYFS)

KS1 (Y1-2)8:40am10:30-10:4512-1pm3:25pm
KS2 (Y3-6)8:45am11-11:15am12:30-1:30pm3:30pm

Total opening hours per week = 33hrs 45 minutes.

*Children in RB who include in main school, may keep the times of their mainstream class (see Jacqui Taylor for details).


Breakfast Club (School Hall): From 7:45am (with breakfast served at 8am).


After-School Club (Holly Class): From end of school until 6pm.