Extra Maths Resources
Year 3 Revision
- Year 3 Addition and subtraction - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Addition and subtraction assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Fractions - reasoning problems part 1.pdf
- Year 3 Fractions - reasoning problems part 2.pdf
- Year 3 Fractions assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Length and perimeter - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Length and perimeter assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Mass and capacity - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Mass and capacity assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Money - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Money assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Multiplication and division - reasoning problems part 1.pdf
- Year 3 Multiplication and division - reasoning problems part 2.pdf
- Year 3 Multiplication and division assessment part 1.pdf
- Year 3 Multiplication and division assessment part 2.pdf
- Year 3 Place value - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Place value assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Properties of shape - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Properties of shape assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Statistics - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Statistics assessment.pdf
- Year 3 Time - reasoning problems.pdf
- Year 3 Time assessment.pdf