The Y5/6 Football Club is the school's main mixed football squad, providing players to compete in the various competitions which take place across the county.
The club trains weekly and all members are welcome to attend. However, as a competition club, children will be selected by Mr Fry to compete in the various competitions throughout the year and this will often be done by aptitude. However, as well as the county competitions which take place throughout the year, there are also friendly fixtures where all those children who would like to have the opportunity to represent the school.
During the year the club takes part in the following competitions:
- S Glos PE Association League
- South Glos PE Association Large Schools Cup
- ESFA 6-a-side tournament.
When: Tuesday's 3:30 - 4:30pm Terms 1-4 Only
Who: Y5/6
Led by: Mr Fry
Cost: Free